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Close Up of Corn Field

Maze Games

Corn Maize Labyrinth

Option 1

Just walk through the maze

This is the best option if you don’t want to spend a long time in the maze.  The maze is relatively simple and the corn is short.  You won’t be in there for too long.  We promise. 

Option 2

The myBemidji
Checkpoint Challenge

Prizes for this game were generously provided by myBemidji.  Visit them at or at their store, downtown across from Brigid’s pub.  For this game, you be given a punch card when you come in to the farm.    There are checkpoints scattered through out the maze.   When you find one, use the provided punch to punch your card.  If you find all the checkpoints, turn in your card on your way out and you will be entered to win a gift card.  There will be a new winner each weekend.  

Fuller Farm

456 Stone Lk Rd SW

Bemidji, MN 56601


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